Purchasing on the day-ahead and futures markets

Scholt Energy offers the option to spread purchasing over the futures market and the day-ahead market. We obtain a portion of your expected consumption at a fixed price from the futures market. We purchase the remainder of your consumption at variable rates from the day-ahead market. This ensures that the risk is spread effectively. This is because prices on the futures market are determined by market developments with longer-term impact, such as coal and oil reserves. By contrast, day-ahead market prices are driven by short-term market developments, such as weather conditions and outages at power plants. Spreading your purchases allows you to move with the market both in the immediate and long-term.

See our purchasing concept
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Energy prices

By utilising favourable times to make purchases on the futures market, you can enjoy longer-term security thanks a fixed price. The futures market works with fixed contracts with terms of perhaps one to five years into the future. Purchases are made in the years prior to the actual supply of electricity or gas. These prices are determined by fuel prices, speculation and general emotion in the market.

When energy prices on the day-ahead market are favourable, you can immediately benefit from lower energy costs. The day-ahead market works with contracts of variable hourly or daily prices. These prices are determined on a day-to-day basis based on the current ratio of supply and demand.

Our specialists will advise you on when to purchase at the right times. Their advice is based on accurate market analyses. We have been using this strategy in the corporate market for 20 years.

energie inkopen sales scholt energy

Renewable energy

Are you looking to not just spread your energy purchasing over different markets, but to make it more sustainable as well? You can do this by opting for green electricity from a renewable source or for a direct agreement (CPPA) with a solar park and/or wind farm. You can work with our specialists to see which options are a good match. Help your business contribute to a sustainable future.

Learn more about renewable energy
Renewable Energy Solar Panels Wind Turbines Green Grass Blue Sky

Schedule an appointment

Would you like to know more about energy supply and our purchasing concept? Our specialists are on hand to offer personal advice.

Geert-Jan van Enckevort Vrijstaand