More than 20,000 solar panels have been installed at the distribution centre, with which the location can independently generate energy, consume it in the building and inject/sell surpluses back to the electricity grid. An annual production of 7.6 GWh is expected from the solar installation, comparable to the consumption of +/- 3,000 households. In addition, part of the generated power can be stored in two energy storage systems in the building. Thanks to a smart energy management system, the smartest choice is automatically made about where the power is taken from (solar panels, battery, collective or generators) and where it is consumed. It is a proven technology, which is an example for future projects and serves as a solution for grid congestion.
As a result of this initiative, the DC has been awarded the highest possible energy label of A+++++ and the building is able to operate fully off-grid. The electricity supply is expected to be completed by Joulz in June. Scholt Energy is handling the energy supply and sale of electricity that is not purchased itself. In addition, Scholt Energy is using the flexibility from the DC’s energy systems in the energy and balancing markets.

Energy Collective Schiphol Trade Park
The new DC is connected to the Energy Collective Schiphol Trade Park. In a unique form of cooperation, fifteen companies in this collective at Schiphol Trade Park will share their unused electricity capacity with each other via a virtual layer. Due to grid congestion (too little capacity on the electricity grid for new connections), not all companies that wanted to establish themselves at the site were able to purchase power.
The first four companies with a building permit received a connection via Liander, and due to the combination of their own generation systems and the exchange of electricity, the other eleven companies do not need a connection. All companies have security of supply regarding electricity.
The distribution centre has 55,000 square metres of storage space, 6,500 square metres of mezzanine floor space and 5,300 square metres of office space. The building also has 64 docks for trucks and delivery vans and four ground level doors for trucks. In addition to the highest possible energy label, the building also carries the highest BREEAM sustainability certificate level of ‘outstanding’. Thus Intospace shows that despite the congestion problem, new construction projects can still be realised.
Photos: Intospace & Joulz
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